What food or dish have you never eaten but would really like to try?

Food I Might Try

        I've been very fussy when it comes to what's on my plate. If you happen to read my last post, I did mention about what type of food I love eating, and what's not. Meat other than pork, chicken and fish is a big NO. Never serve me with beef if you don't want me to puke while you're enjoying your sumptuous meal. I might take a small bite to show respect to the one who prepared the dinner but letting me finish a slice will certainly ruin the night. Honestly, I had been tricked once, no, twice. It was during my Junior-Senior High School Prom where Beef steak was one of the main course for our dinner. I didn't know that was a beef steak since it tasted so good and I found no hints of "beefiness" . It's also hard for me to distinguish due to the dim lighting of the place. It was only after the meal when my classmate said that what we ate was a steak made of beef. I did not believe her at first but she insisted so I took a small piece from the leftover, brought it to the nearby lamp stand for a closer look and it was indeed a beef steak. Good thing we have available soda or else I would have puked that night. Other instance was not with beef, but of lamb meat. It was also during my high school years. The Department of Education had this program for every school to cook and offer free meals to those malnourished students on a daily basis. And I'm one of the lucky ones. There was one time when we were served with some sort of soup (cooked with meat and cabbage). After knowing that the meat I ate was that of a lamb, I vomited.

        Now to the prompt. Perhaps I will try to eat a turkey meat - the roasted one. They said it tastes better than that of a roasted chicken so I might give it a try. My uncle once raised turkeys at his place intended for some important occasions but I had never dared to take even just a bite. If only I had an appetite similar to my brother, then I would have tasted all the food and viands I came across. Would you believe he eats exotic food like snakes, wild mountain mice, bat, bird, frog, wild lizard or alligator, and all types of animals he caught on his mountain hunting? He even eats cat's and dog's meat if cooked and prepared nicely. Man, thinking this makes me feel sick.


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