A poem about the life of Jose Gervic Labe Jr


under the moon


About Me
There's nothing special about me, really.
I'm just an ordinary introverted lad.
A very serious type is my personality.
I'm a guy who does well in all my acads.

I graduated Valedictorian from my high school.
My one-way ticket to a college scholarship
Yet the course I took was way uncool.
Accountancy was so hard, and so I lost my grip.

I shifted my program to something similar.
To something easier, something simpler
Management accounting, in particular
I graduated in this, but with no flying colors.

I wondered why I didn't study well.
Unlike my studying habits in my high school years,
Perhaps I was just tired, that I can tell.
But I never go out with my peers for some beer.

Well, let's tackle more of my personality.
I'm a man of my word, which I guarantee.
Being a perfectionist is my weakness, I can say personally.
But I'm all ears to what everyone else will say.

In sports, never trust me with a ball.
To play with big guys, I would never dare.
I despised all ball games except for volleyball.
And I play badminton when I have time to spare.

Playing board games is my glorious flair.
Monopoly, scribbles, soduku, and damath
Bring me the board and I will play it fair.
Especially the one that involves math.

I guess there's nothing more for me to tell
What you see is what you will get.
It's time for me to end this and bid farewell.
Oh, there's one more thing before I forget,

I leave you a quote. Please don't ignore
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door".

Written for: "April 21 Poem--Aspect of your identity"   in "Dew Drop Inn
Prompt: Explore a specific aspect of your personality, behavior, or identity in a poem.

34 lines | 271 words | 1,482 characters
04/21/22 11:26pm EDT
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