The first drops of golden rays wake the deeply slumbered earth Wind blows a cold breeze from the bay let the flowers dance with mirth
The first drops of golden rays
wake the deeply slumbered earth
Wind blows a cold breeze from the bay
let the flowers dance with mirth
Dewdrops strewn like myriad crystals
mirror nature in a mirage
Flowers bloom with fragrant petals
capture butterflies on espionage
Cold river constantly flows
rushing down in a slender twist
Valleys and prairies and meadows
reveal their splendor from the mist
Trees unfold its emerald crown
to welcome the morning bright
On their huge bough, I lay down
to bask on a blitheful sight.
Created: June 16th, 2012 at 5:58am
Modified: September 1st, 2015 at 11:41am
Very nice poetry