A Haiku Sonnet type of poem about Luck


Image by Geraldine Dukes from Pixabay


Bestow Me Some Luck
Lucky is the lark.
Finally freed from its cage.
Free like other birds.

Lucky is the sheep.
Finally found its way back.
To the grazing herds.

Lucky are the birds.
Celebrating their freedom.
Together they fly.

I wish that same luck
Be bestowed to me just once.
I can fin'lly die.

'Cause to die free and in bliss,
Better than dying unmissed.

Written for: "April 17 Poem--3-in-one"   in "Dew Drop Inn
Prompt: 3 prompts in one: adapt a form + incorporate music + lucky or unlucky as a theme = a contemporary poem all your own!
Form: Haiku Sonnet
Form Details: The basic premise of the haiku sonnet is simple: 4 3-liner haiku plus a couplet of either 5 or 7 syllables adds up to 14 lines, the same number of lines found in a sonnet.

14 lines | 62 words | 342 characters
04/17/22 07:57pm EDT
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