A poem on a perspective of a mosquito and how it plead mercy to humans.


Image by Pete from Pixabay


A Mosquito's Plea
I wonder why our presence has been despised.
Perhaps the virus we carry caused our demise.
I can no longer count the lives you've taken -
Lives of my kin, and the life of a friend.

A drop of your blood will suffice
Yet it's an arduous struggle to earn the price.
A drop a day to sustain 'till the seventh day
Then I can blissfully pass away.

Every time we flutter around your being
Comes a swatter that you're furiously swinging.
The fate of my brother, I can only cry
He burst into that lampshade in the blink of my eye.

The horror of what my sister underwent
Captured and tortured, mutilated and bent.
Legs plucked, wings detached, beheaded
By your little kin before he goes to bed.

Dear human, please heed my plea.
A drop of your blood, our life is the fee.
May you give it once, just for free
Please grant it, I'm on my knee.
Written for "April 8 Poem--Creature"   in "Dew Drop Inn
Prompt: Creature—write a poem in the voice of some living creature that is not human.

20 lines | 159 words | 833 characters
04/08/22 7:22pm EDT

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