A poem about a grieving mother for losing her new born child. Read how her dreams shattered by her loss and how she misses her baby so badly.

Cute baby


A Mother's Lament
This cradle that I once put you to sleep
The only thing you left for me to keep.
Your passing is way too soon, too early
It must've been me and not you, my little baby.

That moment you warmly suckle on my breast
The warmth of your tenderest caress
The cutest chuckles, the littlest cries
Are thoughts of you that make me cry.

Why does the world seem so unfair?
You're gone like a bubble poked in mid-air.
You've never even got the chance to glance
At how beautiful the world's expanse.

We were excited to see you grow up
You laugh at each tickle, every time you spill his cup.
You dance with your father when you're eighteen
While I watch you both in such a lovely scene.

Yet, this will never ever happen
You're breathless and pale inside that coffin.
Seeing you in there crumples my grieving heart
Shattered and cut and torn apart.

My little baby, it's hard, but it's a farewell
I have a few last words, for you I tell.
If the angels are ready to take you to heaven,
Remember that your dad and mom love you 24/7.
Written for "April 9 Poem--Persona"   in "Dew Drop Inn
Prompt: Persona—write a poem in the voice of a person who is not you.

24 lines | 195 words | 1017 characters
04/09/22 9:45pm EDT

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