The legend of the Clouds - A story about the origin of the cloud.

Magical Clouds

Image by Peter from Pixabay

On an island called Gapasan, there lived a couple who had no children. Though they were not given one, they still lived a life of bliss. Every single day, they've been praying, wishing, and hoping to have just one child. One day, Danilo noticed something that grew in their backyard. He called his wife, Dina, immediately. Dina was so intrigued by the plant that she decided to care for it and allow it to bloom and grow until it bore its fruits. Danilo agrees to it. They took good care of the plant, watered it, and even put some bamboo splinters around it as protection from stray animals. They also decided to come up with a name for it. And at last, it was named cotton.

Days had passed. The plant grew bigger and healthier. Its leaves were all green and had many stems and branches. Every day, the couple visited the plant. Weeks had passed. And weeks turn into months. Danilo was just amazed when the plant got its flowers—white, smooth flowers. He called Dina immediately. She was taken aback and tempted to stroke its white and smooth flowers. Dina suggested she pick it up and turn it into a soft cushion. But Danilo refused, for they have to wait until it bears its fruits. Dina doesn't insist on her husband's suggestion, for it is a great idea. Danilo cultivated the soil and watered it.

The couple waited so patiently for the fruit the tree would bring. They waited many months. One day, they decided to visit the plant again. Flowers, however, were still in bloom. Nothing appeared and hung from the tree. Its flowers covered the leaves and the stems. It's similar to a large bouquet of white flowers used for weddings. Dina got mad at this. She waited so patiently but came up with nothing. She realized that they were just wasting their time waiting for its fruit to appear. She decided to pick it that very day, but Danilo insisted again and promised to cut it the next day.

The day has finally come. It's picking time. Danilo prepared his knives, and Dina her baskets. They proceeded to their backyard and were just shocked. The tree has gone. Dina got angry at Danilo. If only Danilo had listened and obeyed her, then that would not have happened. Danilo was still silent and stared at something on the ground. Dina noticed him and became intrigued. The couple came closer to the place where the tree stood before. And there they found a huge pile of cotton flowers. As they carefully watched it, they were surprised when a baby appeared in their eyes. They were silent for a while until Dina began to laugh so loudly that they eventually found a baby.

Both were very happy. They brought the baby into their home. She was so beautiful, with a face like a fairy and skin as white and smooth as the cotton flowers. The couple gave her a name. They even got into conflict over choosing a name that suited the baby. At last, Danilo suggested one, and Dina liked it—it's Cloudine.

Danilo decided to have Cloudine bathe. He brought her to the well. Dina was busy on the bed of Cloudine, fixing it with the pile of flowers left. Danilo now has a basin and a pail of water. As he poured the water on Cloudine's body, the water turned to a foamy, white cotton. He was taken aback and immediately called his wife to inform her of what had occurred. He poured again, and the same happened until they'd finished bathing. Dina collected a big pile of cotton that was enough to make a pillow for the two of them and a cushion for their chairs. Dina devised the plan to sell their cotton in the nearby town. Danilo agrees. Without much ado, they bathe the baby until the well is dry. They collected a huge pile of it, which was enough to sell. Danilo arrived home with plenty of money and lots of groceries. They were so happy for these.

Danilo brought Dina some good news. There was a wealthy man willing to trade his mansion and many hectares of land for more cotton. Dina was surprised. The couple decided to bathe Cloudine again. Unfortunately, no water was left in the well. Dina had a brilliant idea. She suggested bathing the baby in the river. And so, Danilo agrees. When he dipped the baby's body in the water, in just a second, it turned into a river of cotton. The couple was so glad. Dina even jumped and dove at the cotton.

They called the rich man for a deal. As a result, they owned the massive mansion as well as a thousand hectares of land. The man used those cottons to make clothes, mattresses, cushions, and many other expensive items that only the wealthy could afford. Dina was not satisfied with the mansion or the land. She wanted to own the villages. She suggests it to Danilo, and he agrees. They find a place to bathe Cloudine. Because neither the well nor the river has water, they decided to bathe the baby in the sea.

As Danilo dipped the baby's body, in just a second, the water turned into a sea of cotton—a vast, huge sea of cotton. The couple were very happy about this. But they were just shocked when Cloudine spoke. "I thought you two had a good heart." I gave you everything you wanted, but you were not content. You were greedy; you did not know how to share your blessings with others. And with that, all you have possessed will go back to me. "I will give you nothing but sorrow." After saying these, the baby disappeared.

After a while, the cotton rose and floated in the air. The couple did nothing but cry. As they looked up, the cotton was now in the sky, floating and being scattered by the wind. None were left on the ground. There was no water in the sea, river, or well. All people come to thirst because of their greediness.

The people were very hungry and thirsty. There was no more food to eat or water to drink. Many had suffered and died. The couple realized what they had done and felt sorry for what had happened. They asked the people for their forgiveness and pleaded with their God to forgive their sins. After a while, it rained. The people found their hopes, their strength, and their happiness. They shouted in laughter. All had returned to normal.

The well has water, the river flows, and the sea has waves. The cotton above was the only thing that remained to remind the couple of what they had done. Later on, the cotton up there will shower its rain when the people are sad. And that cotton was named Cloud—in memory of baby Cloudine.

Written on October 30, 2010

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