March 2021

Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition!
What was your favorite prompt from the last month?
What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition?

I Made It

        Wow, I finally made it to the thirtieth! I thought I couldn't survive a daily blogging but here I am writing my last entry for this blogging month. It has been a tedious work since I have limited time to write and respond to each day's prompt. I'm just glad that the challenge always have a new and inspiring prompt to respond to. To those who happened to read and comment on my entries, I'd like to give my sincerest gratitude. Thank you so much! I know you struggled and oftentimes got confused with how I word my entries, still you continue to read them without throwing a single criticism. Through this challenge, I have learned a lot from the experiences of my fellow bloggers. It's a great experience to share mine as well, although most of them were not that interesting.

What did you like / dislike about where you grew up?
What do you like / dislike about where you live now?

Then and Now

        The place I live in right now is totally different from my original hometown. With the fact that I currently live in a city while my birth place is in a hinterland located in a remote mountainous area of the province, the differences are extremely apparent. In there you can see tall trees and mountains while here are towering buildings and some skyscrapers. There you can see a clean river flowing rapidly while here you'll see streets with slow moving traffic. There you can see birds flying gracefully beneath the azure while here you will see planes. There you can hear the sweet songs of cicadas during dusk time while here you will hear the bustling sounds of motor vehicles throughout the day and night. There you have plenty of time to do exercise as walking is our only way to go to distant places while here are mostly done with cars. There, neighbors are working and helping each other while here aren't.

We need your help filling the Challenge War Chest with prompts!
In your entry today, write three of your own 30DBC prompts and then choose one to respond to.

Prompting Prompt

        Brilliant prompt I admit. I know it's very hard to think of good prompts even for a prompt-based contest running on monthly basis, how much more with this challenge that needs daily prompting. It might be so exhausting to think of a unique prompt considering the fact that this blogging challenge was established many years ago. You might have created a book of prompts or two already. Well, here are the prompts I can share:

In your entry today, write about one of the most frightening moments of your life.

The Lost Pair

        Living in a place so remote from the city has lots of frightening moments one will certainly encounter. And I'm not an exception to this. I have different frightening encounters during my childhood to teenage days back in my original place. Perhaps my exposure to some horror movies we used to watch every time we visit our grandma (to watch TV/movies since we don't have one) had impacted and contributed pretty much to my being frightful. But who wouldn't be frightened when you hear noises while on your way home amidst a dark evening alone?

If you asked your friends to describe you using only three words, what would they say?
And why do you think so?

Me in Three

        I remember a question somehow similar to this being asked on the exam I took prior to getting my job. Although not verbatim, the question conveyed the same thought as it tackled about my strengths and weaknesses. Also, I had those moments when my colleagues (whom I considered my friends) said that I am like this and that having this and that. They said that I am creative. Well, perhaps because they'd witnessed my works and arts both physical and digital. I happened to show them my designs and image manipulations and they liked it. In addition, there was one time on one Christmas season few years back when I was tasked to decorate our office and they liked my designs. I also happened to show them photographs of my sister's wedding where I was the only one who did all the wedding decorations. They liked it.

What’s the best or worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone or that was played on you?

No Practical Jokes Please

        I haven’t done any practical jokes to someone nor did they happen to throw one at me. But if you say just joke alone and not those sort of embarrassing, traumatic and unworthy pranks, I have lots and have been joked with almost every time. I’m not really that good of a joker but at least they’d laugh every time I throw a joke. We use to exchange jokes with my colleagues while we’re at work. It’s a must considering that our job is more on paper works, recording transactions and a lot of numbers, numbers and numbers. We need a good laugh amidst ubiquitous transactions we have to deal with every day.


Write about some of your most memorable vacations.
Where did you go? Who were you with?
What was your favorite part of the trip?

There's No Place Like Home but Beach is Fun!

        I can't remember a single time in my life that I went on vacation. I might have gone to other places but it’s not for vacation purposes, it was for our college field trip. I don’t have the luxury to go to some other places for leisure and relaxation. I’d rather go home and spend my precious time with my family. After all, there’s no place like home.

love quarantine

Love Quarantime

Chapter 1

The Unexpected Encounter

      It was a time of uncertainty and stillness. The year was 2023, and the world was navigating the ever-shifting landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gill, like many others, found himself thrust into a new reality - a world of home confinement and unexpected free time. His company's doors were temporarily closed, his routine disrupted, and boredom seemed to loom large.

    Seeking refuge in the digital realm, Gill's phone became his constant companion. Hours melted into each other as he scrolled through endless streams of content, a mix of laughter-inducing TikTok snippets and captivating YouTube documentaries. Then, one ordinary afternoon, something unexpected broke the monotony. An ad, different from the usual, blinked onto his screen - a vibrant invitation to a mobile app seemingly meant for individuals seeking connection beyond traditional boundaries. Curiosity sparked, Gill found himself clicking, downloading, and stepping into the unknown. And that's where the story truly begins.

Love Quarantime



    This happened not so long ago, amidst the raging COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Gill didn't know if he would be grateful that a pandemic happened, but great things came to him beyond his expectations. It was only last year when the government announced a community lock-down to prevent the spread of the virus. For almost a month, he stayed home as their company underwent a temporary shutdown. Having no work and having nothing to do means total boredom. He was fortunate to have his phone, and he spent the majority of his fruitless hours watching Tiktok clips and YouTube content. was one time when an ad popped up on Gill's screen. It was about a dating app advertisement intended for some men or curious men interested in other men. Simply put, it's a gay dating app. He opened it, downloaded and installed the application. Then the story begins.

What do you do to improve your mood when you are sad?
If you are frustrated or angry, what is your secret to feeling better?

Frustrations and How I Handled Them

        I have lots of ways to cope up from sadness. Depending on the level of sadness I'm in, too much sadness will certainly take few days to quell while the minimal will eventually fade in a matter of hours. Whenever I feel frustrated and angry, one can easily detect while I'm in this mood. I tend to go on mute and don't dare to talk to me while I'm at it if you don't wish me to feel angry at you as well.

 MARCH 22, 2021 PROMPT
Write about your earliest memory. Try to describe it in as much detail as possible.

My Earliest Memories


         "My Fondest Memoir" is one of my earliest memories that I can remember clearly. The rest are short flashes and snippets of memories during my childhood. I have memories of me being locked up in my grandmother's room when I was five for reasons I can't remember. There was also that time when me and my sister fell on the wooden bridge when one of our friends continuously jump his way through causing the bridge to break and collapse while we're in the middle of it. Another one was when we went on fishing but went home empty handed because we were only swimming at where our fishing lines were placed.
What food or dish have you never eaten but would really like to try?

Food I Might Try

        I've been very fussy when it comes to what's on my plate. If you happen to read my last post, I did mention about what type of food I love eating, and what's not. Meat other than pork, chicken and fish is a big NO. Never serve me with beef if you don't want me to puke while you're enjoying your sumptuous meal. I might take a small bite to show respect to the one who prepared the dinner but letting me finish a slice will certainly ruin the night. Honestly, I had been tricked once, no, twice. It was during my Junior-Senior High School Prom where Beef steak was one of the main course for our dinner. I didn't know that was a beef steak since it tasted so good and I found no hints of "beefiness" . It's also hard for me to distinguish due to the dim lighting of the place. It was only after the meal when my classmate said that what we ate was a steak made of beef. I did not believe her at first but she insisted so I took a small piece from the leftover, brought it to the nearby lamp stand for a closer look and it was indeed a beef steak. Good thing we have available soda or else I would have puked that night. Other instance was not with beef, but of lamb meat. It was also during my high school years. The Department of Education had this program for every school to cook and offer free meals to those malnourished students on a daily basis. And I'm one of the lucky ones. There was one time when we were served with some sort of soup (cooked with meat and cabbage). After knowing that the meat I ate was that of a lamb, I vomited.


What are your favorite movie genres? Share some recommendations with your readers!

Popcorn Time

        There are a lot of great movies out there and it's too hard to sift them out from a vast array of selection. However, the following list of movies that I'll be showcasing in here might not be my favorites but they are movies I always like watching even for the second time or third time. Fantasy has always been my favorite genre. Perhaps my children encounters with some unexplainable events and my childhood dreams to be in a magical world pique my interest in this genre. This genre combined with others will create a more interesting and magnificent movies. For instance, a fantasy mixed with children a adventure genres - who wouldn't love it? There's "Epic" and the Walt Disney's Tinkerbell movies. Not to mention the most recent Raya and the Last Dragon. Or what about Fantasy coined with Action or Martial Arts? Jet Li's movie will be a great example. Have you seen Jet Li's "The Sorcerer and the White Snake"? It's breathtaking! Or what about Fantasy with Martial Arts and Comedy? Of course we have Jackie Chan's "THE KNIGHT OF SHADOWS: BETWEEN YIN & YANG". Give it a try and it surely gives yourselves a good laugh.

Here are the list of movies according to their genres:

Tooth Fairy
Toy Story

The Rise of The Guardians
Tinkerbell Movies
Over The Moon
Raya and the Last Dragon

Big Hero 6
Christmas Chronicles

The Smurfs

The Sorcerer and the White Snake
We Can Be Heroes
X-Men Movies including Logan
The Old Guard
Along with the Gods
Pirated of the Caribbean
Marvel movies

The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Ying

The Shape of Water
Beauty and The Beast
The Gods of Egypt
Alita: The Battle Angel

Divergent Trilogy

Underworld Revolution
Monster House
Van Helsing
The Witches

The Twilight Saga

How are you different now than you were in the year 2010?
What have been the most significant changes in your life in the last ten years?

A Decade is Enough

        Ten years are enough for me to say that I've changed a lot. Change in the sense that I had transitioned completely from that once demure and pessimistic adolescent to being confident and optimistic adult. Perhaps my early exposure to various life struggles and adversities served well in molding me to what I am right now. Through those years, I endured and survived each life's whip and beating. If you happen to read my autobiography, you would know what I've come through.

If you were hired to show tourists what life is really like where you live,
what would you show them or have them do?

A Trek to: Home

        The place where I live is not a great spot for tourists. Unless if they wish for a very long and tedious hike from the city going to our place, then it will be. Our place is not known despite the beautiful landscapes and all green ambiance it offers. However, there were few travelers who happened to pass by and would definitely take few photos of our fields and mountains while having a respite.
Pretend that you have found a four-leaf clover that will bring you extraordinary good luck for exactly one day.
Write about your lucky day.

The Leaves of Luck

    This is one interesting topic, I should say. I never know that this kind of leaf brings luck to its finder. Although I've seen images of this around and it's often associated to leprechauns and Saint Patrick's Day, it never came to my curiosity why this mythical creature always has this. I thought it was just all part of the design. Also, I have little to no background of Saint Patrick, therefore I did lots of googling for this.

What kind of world will you create?
How will you make it happen?
Why HR matters? 

The World I'll Create

        Creating world and what kind? This question seems so simple yet bears its intricacies which made my mind wonder. This brings me to procrastinate for quite a while until I awake my contemplating self into a world where everyone is happy. Yes, this is the world I wanted to create - a world where positivity thrives, a world where we can wear our genuine smiles, and a world where chaos has no room to thrive. I know this sounds surreal and idealistic based on the real world we live in but this is not beyond possible. We are the one who dictates what world we wanted to have, what world we wanted to establish. We are the one who mold our world through our efforts, our deeds, our characteristics, our attitudes and our diverse individuality.
What lesson do you remember most vividly from your childhood?

Life's Lessons

        Okay, here we go again. I'll be bringing you back to my childhood years with so much fun and some boring experiences. I hope you will continue to read my entries. This time, it'll be more on discussing the many values I learned and how my parents disciplined me to become who I am now. I had been scolded many times, been shouted at many times, lectured many times, and had even tasted the whips of their anger -many times. But I am forever grateful with them for doing so. I know and they knew that I would never be like this without them. Please read on tho the following lessons I learned.

What’s your favorite board game or card game to play with friends?

Playing With Dice and Cards

        Oh game! This one is a great topic I suppose. I'm glad it talks about cards and boards, otherwise I might not be able to write something. This is favorable to me since I'm more inclined into mental games than physical ones. I'm no good with balls and the like. Well, does anyone knows how to play Snake and Ladder? This was the board game we used to play with my sister and my aunt when I was little. It can be played with two or more players making it more fun and enjoyable. Players are represented by game pieces which the players will move at each turn after throwing a die. Here's how it is played:



In your entry, make a list of your favorite words to say.
Then describe why they are your favorites and include a pronunciation guide for your readers. Brownie points if you can use your words in a sentence.


Playing With Words


       Did I mention about English being the third language I speak? Oh yes I did. Our country has more than 170 dialects spoken by people living in different islands and regions. We are composed of more than seven thousand islands and islets so no wonder we have these plethora of dialects and vernaculars. We can only understand each other through our national language which is Tagalog, and oftentimes the foreign language which is English (British or American) since we studied this from kindergarten until college.

It's over, she has nowhere to run
Trapped into the deep crevasse of nothingness
A snare, an oblivion where light has shunned
Only wasps and bugs illuminate the extreme darkness.

What traditional ethnic food dishes from your culture does your family still enjoy?
Tell us about how the recipe was passed down and what modifications were made over the years.

Our Family's Favorite

   When it comes to household chores and activities, I would say Mother knows best most especially when we talk about cooking. At home, I have my all time favorite dish. Although this dish is easy to cook that almost everyone here in our country knows how to prepare it, my mother's recipe is what I love most. I don't know what tweaks she did or secret ingredient she added to it but it tasted so good and delish. Our birthdays would never be complete without this on our table.

Imagine you had to create an art piece for a gallery or museum.
What would you create?

The Indigenous Lives

     When I was little, my interest was not really into scribbling words to create pieces of poetry but it's more into doodling and sketching. I used to draw anime characters from game cards, stickers and any random anime images I found on my notebook covers. I also did some portrait sketches and drawings about nature. Sadly, I somehow lost this skill or perhaps has just been forgotten since I didn't practice and cultivate drawing and sketching. During college, I had experienced painting on my Humanities class and it turned out pretty well. Although I have so much interest in painting, I just can't do it due to limited resources. I couldn't afford to buy painting materials back then so I deviated my attention into writing.


We couldn’t fathom what life would become
Without you, the world would be dumb
You are the source of one’s prosperous career
Dear Teachers, shall we say, “Our tomorrow’s ushers”.

What qualities do you look for in a friend?
Are there any qualities you avoid?
What qualities about yourself do you think make a good friend?

Tell Me Who Your Friends Are

    "Tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are" is one powerful adage commonly used by those individuals who make one less of a person. The truth hurts may sound cliche but it's the reality. People tend to use this to measure one's worth and to stereotype according to the friends they have. It becomes the standard in making friends with fellow human beings. I wonder why everyone has become more selective when it comes to befriending others and even "brand name" an individual according to the circle he's in. I understand that we all have our differences, we all have our likes and dislikes, we all have our preferences, different beliefs, culture and traditions; however, this doesn't mean that we have to limit our circle to the similarities and the common interest we share. We don't need to choose and handpick people to join in our circle. Instead, we have to embrace and accept each other's differences for a better life and a better world to live in.

What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation?

Music is not my cup of tea, But...

    Oh my! This is too hard. I am not really that music fanatic. Although I listen to it whenever someone turns on the radio or plays a random song on spotify and YouTube, only a few captured my interest. I prefer listening to songs coming from a country genre, reggae, and pop music. I also have recent addition to the aforementioned genres - the KPop music but only that of Mamamoo's Starry Night, Egotistic and Decalcomanie as well as BTS' top hits.

Write about the mythical or science fiction creatures/beings that could actually exist.
Imagine a world where there was definitive proof of their existence - how would life be different?

I Do Believe in Fairies

    I am a big fan of Walt Disney's Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. I've even watched all movies and clips with these characters and I always marvel at how lovely they are even up to this day. Ever since, I believe they existed and were not just a product of Barrie's1 creative mind. Back then at our province, I had found hints of their existence. Located not so far from our house, there is this huge balete2 tree. My parents always reminded us not to come closer to this tree and scared us that there lived an invisible, tall, dark and ugly being who takes away all lost children making them his pets and delectable food.

Where are some unusual places you’ve been? What was the most interesting or surprising thing you learned or discovered about those places?

Caught in a Rush Hour

    I did mention about the time I stayed in our country's capital - Manila City. It was my first time going and staying there to continue my two remaining years in college with the support of my grandmother. I mentioned about her in my autobiography that she is one of the sisters of my late grandfather on my father's side. Although she is my grandmother, I dearly called her "Auntie" because she isn't married until now and she somehow liked the idea.


Enough Rizal!
-a poem tribute to our National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Enough Rizal, Enough!

You quenched our thirsty land
With pristine blood gushed from your left hand.
Thirst for freedom, the famine for liberty
From tyrants' claws, oppressors' captivity.

 Warm Regards, Lilli

This design was made special for one of my Writing.Com friends, Lilli. She's a big fan of mermaids and more into coffees.

Check details of this on my Deviant Art.



Write about one of your fondest memories.

My Fondest Memoir

    I don't wish to cry here but this one made me. Traversing back to my very distant past, during my childhood days. I was turning eight at that time. It was a season to harvest the rice fields of my Uncle in Bayawan - a city situated far north from our hometown. It will take few hours of travel back and forth and it's costly. Also, the harvest will take almost a month to finish so my father had to stay there. At a young age and first time separated with my father, one month is very long and lonely. I didn't want my father to leave but he had to and I couldn't do anything to make him stay - even if how hard I cried. He had to go. He said he'll be back and will bring me that toy car I once saw in the market when my mother brought me with her.